Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013


Data Envelopment Analysis pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh Charnes, Cooper dan Rhodes pada tahun 1978 dan 1979. Semenjak itu pendekatan dengan menggunakan DEA ini banyak digunakan di dalam riset-riset operasional dan ilmu manajemen. Pendekatan DEA ini lebih menekankan kepada pendekatan yang berorientasi kepada tugas dan lebih difokuskan kepada tugas yang penting, yaitu mengevaluasi kinerja dari unit pembuat keputusan/UPK (decision making units). Semenjak tahun 1980an, pendekatan ini banyak digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat efisiensi dari industri perbankan secara nasional.
DEA merupakan suatu teknik program linier yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi bagaimana suatu proses pengambilan keputusan dalam suatu unit beroperasi secara relatif dengan unit lain dalam sampel. Selanjutnya proses tersebut akan membentuk suatu garis frontier yang terbentuk dari unit-unit yang efisien yang kemudian dibandingkan dengan unit yang tidak efisien untuk menghasilkan nilai efisiensinya masing-masing.
Karena pentingnya metode riset ini, maka SMART CONSULTING bekerjasama dengan pihak manapun untuk mengadakan pelatihan selama 2 hari dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan para akademisi maupun praktisi yang hendak menggunakan metode DEA.

Rabu, 07 Agustus 2013

BOOK: DEA, Theory and Techniques for Economics and Operations Research, SUBHASH C. RAY

  • By Subhash C. Ray
    University of Connecticut

  • Publisher: Cambridge University Press
    Online Publication Date:November 2009
    Online ISBN:9780511606731
    Hardback ISBN:9780521802567

Jumat, 02 Agustus 2013

BUKU: Data Envelopment Analysis: Returns-to-Scale Measurement

The paper provides an overview of the different approaches to measure returns-to-scale (RTS) in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). DEA is a promising approach allowing for analysis of efficiency and RTS in certain fields where other concepts like regression analysis are not applicable. Therefore, DEA literature and especially literature on RTS measurement in DEA is rapidly growing. 

Returns-to- scale and scale efficiency can lead to significant and long-lasting implications for management and politics. Furthermore, RTS classification can be used to decide on mergers and acquisitions. Following the description of the most common DEA models and their technology different approaches to measure RTS are described and advantages and disadvantages are elaborated. 

The approaches are subdivided in qualitative and quantitative approaches and RTS measurement in cost-based and non- radial models. Additionally, sensitivity analysis for RTS measurement is being dealt with. Finally, an empirical application is provided to illustrate RTS measurement approaches discussed in the paper.

Kamis, 01 Agustus 2013

Analisis Perbandingan Tingkat Efisiensi BMT Kota Tasikmalaya Periode 2008-2012 dengan Pendekatan Two Stage Data Envelopment Analysis

Oleh: Asri Prihastuti 

This study measures the comparative efficiency of BMT Tasikmalaya during the period 2008-2012. The method used is Two Stage DEA with the intermediation approach. The first stage of measuring the efficiency of each BMT using DEA. Input variables used were total deposit, equity and total labour. While the variables output is total financing and operating income. The second stage determines factors influencing the efficiency of BMT using Tobit Method. The variables used were BOPO, ROA (Return on Equity) and EQAS.
            The results show that the overall efficiency of BMT in the year 2008 reached 0.88 and the next year (2009) to 2012 increased significantly to reach 0.96. While the level of technical efficiency has increased by fluctuations in 2008-2012. Means that the management of the financial operations of BMT during 2008-2012 is relatively inefficient. The main cause of inefficiency in the output-oriented measure is operating income which can be increasing by 59.96%. Tobit results show that BOPO and ROE has statistically significant positive impact on overall efficiency of BMT Tasikmalaya. While the power of capital (CAR) has no significant positive impact on the efficiency of BMT Tasikmalaya

Keywords: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Efficiency, Baitul Mal wa Tamwil